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Products Liability and Personal Injury

Helpful Information About California Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Law
Product liability defines the legal obligation of a manufacturer, distributor, or company that is responsible for a product which causes harm or damage to an individual consumer. Often times, a group of people will claim product liability for a single poorly designed or manufactured product. In such cases, class action law suits are often filed because the group experiences similar issues with a singular product’s malfunction. The class action suits are claims against a company or marketing agency that fails to adequately produce or warn the clientele about potential issues with a product. During the production of a product or good, everyone who partook in designing, creating, manufacturing, constructing, marketing, and distributing the item to consumers holds some element of responsibility under law. A company is liable for a product, including the design team, the supplier of parts, the manufacturer of the goods, the wholesaler, and the retailer who all help to supply another type of consumer good. According to Cornell University Law School, and other educational sources, products liability includes “ design defects, manufacturing defects, and defects in marketing.” Design defects are elements of the product that fail to function properly—a toy breaks when held or a car flips when making tight turns. A manufacturing defect occurs when some of the material used to produce a good is faulty. Examples of this would be: the material used to create a child’s garment contains elements of lead, or a brake used in a vehicle sticks and does not allow the driver to slow down. A fault in marketing involves a failure to identify and label potential hazards of the product or dangers by using the goods improperly.

Even though product liability cases occur across the nation, no current federal product liability laws exist. States are responsible for creating and enforcing their own laws for product issues and failures to function properly. For information on California’s product liability and negligence accounts, contact Alvandi Law Group at their website by clicking HERE.

To answer any questions about product liability, or for more information that may correspond to an individual’s case, contact our team of professional attorneys atAlvandi Law Group in California. Their Personal Injury Attorney in Long Beach California may offer expert advice in the dealing with your legal situation. Contact us now at (800) 980-6905.